Thursday, September 29, 2011

Cookies, Crohn's, Coffee, Candles, Crazy, Content

I can't believe it's almost October.  September flew by!  It was in this house is never not crazy.   However, it was a more relaxed craziness for me.  Having college study stress gone is amazing.  Doing one college course has been enough to convince me that I'm not cut out to be a college girl!  Not saying I'll never go to college (life is very unpredictable!) but at this point I'm not planning on it.  We'll see what surprises I may be in for later. 

The past few weeks have been full of catching up on the LIFE part of life.  One of my favoritest things in the whole world is slooowing down, noticing the little things in life, and spending time with the ones I love.  There have been...

Coffee chats with friends...

Candles burning on relaxing evenings at home...

Scriptures read...

Books read...

Awesome family moments while camping...

Crazy fun times screaming, smiling, and clapping at the best Brewers game I've ever been to (can anyone say go Prince Fielder?!  His 3 home runs in a row game? We were there. Awesomeness.  My throat and my head hurt from screaming so much.  Have I mentioned I'm competitive and get excited during sports events?! ) Anyway...

Lots of hours helping the best "little" 6'4" brother in the world build his amazing hunting shack...

Cookies made...

(And many more things not pictured! :))

In doula news, I'm slowly working on steps towards getting my business started.  I'm also trying to figure out what those steps even include!  I'm a bit overwhelmed about it all but excited to see what God has in store.  I had my first birth as a certified doula on Labor Day.  It was long but such a great experience!  And I totally loved that my first solo labor and delivery was on Labor Day. ::smile::

2:00 AM  
And one of my favorite moments ever as a doula

My Crohn's is acting up again the past few weeks, gradually getting worse.  I had gotten used to not having many pain attacks so I'm relearning how to cope.  I ran out of my expensive probiotic and haven't gotten to the health food store to get more (it's a good drive in a direction that I never go!).  I'm wondering if the fact that I'm using a cheaper one is affecting things?  Or maybe it's just time for a flare up.  Who knows.  Life with Crohn's pretty much consists of unknowns.  When I'm weakest, Jesus is strongest though.  2 Corinthians 12:9 is a verse that has become an absolute favorite of mine.

Like any month, there have been lots of ups and downs during the past several weeks.  The only constant in life is Jesus.  He never changes!  When there is emotional, physical, relational, mental, or spiritual chaos in my life, HE brings peace and contentment.  Sometimes every area of my life feels like chaos.  But He stays the same.  I am truly learning to be content and trust Him even when life hurts.  And it can hurt a lot.  It can be incredibly confusing to sort through all the pain, issues, and relationships of life.  He is there with truth and comfort through all of it.  Lately I've been trying to just focus on the next thing, focus on today, and not worry about the future.  On the flip side, the quote below is something I've been thinking about.  The little choices I make daily affect who I will be a year from now, a decade from now, even fifty years from now.

I'm pretty sure I won't regret a minute spent with Jesus, with those I love, serving others, and time spent out in God's creation.  I'll appreciate efforts made to get my doula business off the ground so that I can minister to expectant families.  I won't regret working to save up some money.  But it's all about keeping those things in priority.  This journey of living out the right priorities and simply living in trust and contentment with Jesus alone is a life long journey.  I'll never get it all anywhere close to right but He's there to pick me up each time I fall.  He's proven that over and over and over.

I love to laugh and Pinterest provides plenty of laughs (along with loads of cuteness, beauty, creativity, and more!)  Here's a recent one I re-pinned to my things that make me smile board:

I want one :)

Have a wrinkle free weekend, laugh a lot, enjoy the little things, and go to the theater to see Courageous

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