Thursday, October 13, 2011

a Michael Buble kind of day

It's cold and rainy and fall-ish here in Wisconsin.  It's the kind of day that makes me want to stay in comfies, wrap up in a cozy blanket, sip hot chocolate, and alternate between reading books and watching movies.  

But I had to get up and do my makeup and go to work.  And I have a million errands to run after work.  And I have a bedroom to empty so I can paint it over the weekend.  So I threw on my favorite comfy jeans and favorite comfy shirt and one of my many favorite comfy sweatshirts and hit the road.  Driving threw light drizzly rain is actually rather fun.  

So far it's been a super quiet and relaxing day here at work.  The woman I care for is in good spirits and the things she needs me to do today are limited.  I have time to sit and write and listen to Michael Buble while I hear the rain through the open windows.  For some reason the rainy dreariness seems like a perfect time to listen to "Feeling Good", "Everything", and "Home".  I believe I may have decided on my favorite rainy day music. 

Overall I'm feeling blessed on this rainy-fall-Wisconsin-October day.  Life's storms are a bit heavy lately (as I'm sure you guessed if you read this post) but the good and perfect gifts from above still appear everyday.  Today I'm thankful for the falling rain and falling leaves that remind me of the gifts and love falling from heaven.

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