Saturday, February 4, 2012


On this gorgeous Saturday I am laying in bed unable to get up due to the pain.  I'm laying here with the fuzziest blanket on earth, books, my Macbook Pro (obviously), my phone, my meds, a bunch of pillows, my favorite sweatpants, sunshine and blue sky showing through the window, and feeling blessed. The pain is the most excruciating it's been in awhile; there's something very humbling about not being able to move and do things for myself.  I'm so incredibly blessed with a family who is here for me at my weakest.  I can't wait to see how God uses this trying time...He must have something tucked up His sleeve.  Whether I know what that is in this lifetime or not, I know He has the best plan.

While I lay here I've been thinking about the happy times during the past couple difficult months.  I started going through pictures off my camera from December and January and had a BLAST recalling the memories of fun and craziness.  So since it's been awhile since I posted a bunch of random happiness, here goes a LOT of pictures!

...snapshots of two of my favoritest kiddos

...Willow Tree and books = love
(I love my room, btw!)

...errands with the little bro
(soon to not be littler than me...maybe a couple weeks?!)

...cute birthday card made by my hugely talented sister

...Peanuts wrapping paper = best ever call with sis-in-love

...laughter with one of my bestest friends in the world being crazy me

...found THE tree once again

...too much cuteness

...getting Christmas gifts ready to mail to my MI family

...siblings curled up on the couch with books by the fireplace

...snowman cookies

...younger siblings excited for Christmas

...the wonderful mess from making cutout cookies many yummy shapes

...I don't know how the little bro captured this shot but I think it's cool

..."It's a Wonderful Life" by the Christmas tree

...caramel apple rolls

...cinnamon rolls

...annual Christmas stairway pic beautiful golden retriever watching us with our stockings & gifts

...there's a Brewers ornament in there; pretty sure she LOVED it

...watching the Pack kick some more booty on Christmas night

...holding my bestie's precious new little son after attending her labor & delivery from amazing friends on my desk

...sibling fun

...he HATES being kissed him!

...late night sibling craziness

...MORE late night sibling craziness

...little road trip on a Saturday

...looking cool and looking forward to Olive Garden & a movie in Milwaukee

...the driver and shotgun

...amazing picture from my Compassion child

Darn, life is a wonderful thing.  It's the little things...always the little things that bring so much happiness and joy to daily life.  Happy gorgeous Wisconsin Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. This was a lovely post! Sorry you're in so much pain, but it's great that you know how to not let it destroy you :) <3 <3 <3 I love you and all of these pictures! 'sepciall the one with you and josiah! SO HILARIOUS AND CUTE hehee!
